创世记-Genesis 第 16 章 |
16:1 | 亚伯兰的妻子撒莱没有给他生儿女。撒莱有一个使女,名叫夏甲,是埃及人。 Now Sarai, Abram's wife, bore him no children; and she had an Egyptian female servant, whose name was Hagar. |
16:2 | 撒莱对亚伯兰说,耶和华使我不能生育,求你和我的使女同房,或者我可以因她得孩子。亚伯兰听了撒莱的话。 And Sarai said to Abram, Because Jehovah has prevented me from bearing, please go in to my female servant; perhaps I will obtain children by her. And Abram listened to the voice of Sarai. |
16:3 | 于是亚伯兰的妻子撒莱,将使女埃及人夏甲给了她丈夫为妻;那时亚伯兰在迦南地已经住了十年。 So after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan, Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her female servant, and gave her to Abram her husband to be a wife. |
16:4 | 亚伯兰与夏甲同房,夏甲就怀了孕;她见自己有孕,就轻看她的主母。 And he went in to Hagar, and she conceived; and when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress was despised in her eyes. |
16:5 | 撒莱对亚伯兰说,愿我受的屈辱归到你身上。我将我的使女放在你怀中,她见自己有了孕,竟轻看我。愿耶和华在你我中间行判断。 And Sarai said to Abram, May the wrong done to me be upon you. I gave my female servant into your bosom, and when she saw that she had conceived, I was despised in her eyes. May Jehovah judge between me and you. |
16:6 | 亚伯兰对撒莱说,使女在你手下,你看怎样好,就怎样待她罢。于是撒莱苦待她,她就从撒莱面前逃走了。 And Abram said to Sarai, Your female servant is now in your hand; do to her what is good in your eyes. So Sarai dealt harshly with her, and she fled from before her. |
16:7 | 耶和华的使者在旷野往书珥路上的水泉旁遇见她, And the Angel of Jehovah found her by a spring of water in the wilderness, by the spring on the way to Shur. |
16:8 | 对她说,撒莱的使女夏甲,你从那里来?要往那里去?夏甲说,我从我的主母撒莱面前逃出来。 And He said, Hagar, Sarai's female servant, where did you come from and where are you going? And she said, I am fleeing from before my mistress Sarai. |
16:9 | 耶和华的使者对她说,你回到你主母那里,服在她手下; And the Angel of Jehovah said to her, Return to your mistress, and submit yourself under her hands. |
16:10 | 又说,我必使你的后裔极其繁多,甚至不可胜数; And the Angel of Jehovah said to her, I will greatly multiply your seed so that it will not be counted for multitude. |
16:11 | 并说,你如今怀孕要生一个儿子,可以给他起名叫以实玛利,因为耶和华听见了你的苦情。 And the Angel of Jehovah said to her, You have now conceived And will bear a son, And you shall call his name Ishmael, Because Jehovah has heard of your affliction. |
16:12 | 他为人必像野驴;他的手要攻打人,人的手也要攻打他;他必住在众弟兄的东边。 And he will be a wild ass of a man; His hand will be against everyone, And everyone's hand, against him; And he will settle down opposite all his brothers. |
16:13 | 夏甲就称那对她说话之耶和华的名为:你是启示自己的神;因为她说,祂向我启示了祂自己,我在这里居然还存活么? And she called the name of Jehovah who spoke to her, You are a God who reveals Himself, for she said, Do I even remain here after He has revealed Himself to me? |
16:14 | 所以这井名叫庇耳拉海莱;这井在加低斯和巴列之间。 Therefore the well was called Beer-lahai-roi; there it is, between Kadesh and Bered. |
16:15 | 后来夏甲给亚伯兰生了一个儿子;亚伯兰给他起名叫以实玛利。 And Hagar bore Abram a son, and Abram called the name of his son, whom Hagar bore, Ishmael. |
16:16 | 夏甲给亚伯兰生以实玛利的时候,亚伯兰年八十六岁。 And Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore Ishmael to Abram. |
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