以赛亚书-Isaiah 第 8 章 |
8:1 | 耶和华对我说,你取一面大牌,用人常用的字写上:为玛黑珥,沙拉勒,哈施,罢斯; Then Jehovah said to me, Take a large tablet and write on it in plain letters, For Maher-shalal-hash-baz; |
8:2 | 我要用忠信的见证人,祭司乌利亚和耶比利家的儿子撒迦利亚,为我作证。 And I will take faithful witnesses, Urijah the priest and Zechariah the son of Jeberechiah. |
8:3 | 我以赛亚与妻子亲近,她就怀孕生子。耶和华对我说,给他起名叫玛黑珥.沙拉勒.哈施.罢斯, And I went to the prophetess, and she conceived and bore a son. And Jehovah said to me, Call his name Maher-shalal- hash-baz, |
8:4 | 因为在这小孩子不晓得叫父叫母之先,大马色的财宝和撒玛利亚的掳物,必在亚述王面前搬了去。 For before this boy knows how to call, Father, and, Mother, they will carry off the wealth of Damascus and the spoil of Samaria before the king of Assyria. |
8:5 | 耶和华又进一步对我说, Then Jehovah spoke further to me, saying, |
8:6 | 这百姓既厌弃西罗亚缓流的水,且喜悦利汛和利玛利的儿子; Because these people have rejected The gently flowing waters of Shiloah, and exult In Rezin and the son of Remaliah, |
8:7 | 因此,主必使大河汹涌浩大的水,就是亚述王和他所有的威荣,上来淹没他们;那河必漫过一切的水道,涨过所有的河岸; Now therefore the Lord is bringing up upon them The mighty and abundant waters of the Euphrates, The king of Assyria and all his glory; And it will overflow all its channels, And go over all its banks. |
8:8 | 必冲入犹大,涨溢泛滥,直到颈项;以马内利阿,那河展开翅膀,遍满你的地。 It will sweep through Judah; it will overflow and rise Until it reaches the neck; And the spreading out of its wings Will fill the breadth of Your land, O Immanuel. |
8:9 | 众民哪,你们要被击溃,要被破坏;地上远方的众人哪,你们当侧耳听:任凭你们束起腰来,终必破坏;任凭你们束起腰来,终必破坏。 Be broken, O peoples, and be shattered; Hearken, all you distant places of the earth: Gird yourselves, yet be shattered; Gird yourselves, yet be shattered. |
8:10 | 任凭你们策画,终必失败;任凭你们言定,终不成立;因为神与我们同在。 Take counsel, yet it will be frustrated; Speak the word, yet it will not stand; For God is with us. |
8:11 | 耶和华以大能这样对我说话,指教我不可行这百姓所行的道路,说, For Jehovah spoke to me in this way with great force and instructed me not to walk in the way of this people, saying, |
8:12 | 凡这百姓所称为同谋背叛的,你们不要称之为同谋背叛;他们所怕的,你们不要怕,也不要畏惧。 You shall not call it conspiracy All that this people calls conspiracy; And you shall not fear what they fear nor be awed by it. |
8:13 | 你们要尊万军之耶和华为圣;祂是你们所当怕的,也是你们所当畏惧的。 You shall sanctify Jehovah of hosts; He shall be the One to fear and He shall be the One to be awed by. |
8:14 | 祂必作为圣所,却向以色列两家作绊脚的石头,并跌人的磐石,向耶路撒冷的居民作为圈套和网罗。 Then He will become a sanctuary, yet a stone to strike against And a rock of stumbling To both houses of Israel, A trap and a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem. |
8:15 | 许多人必在其上绊脚跌倒,而且跌碎,并陷入网罗,被捉住。 And many will stumble at these, And will fall and be broken to pieces, And will be snared and taken captive. |
8:16 | 你要卷起律法书,在我门徒中间封住训诲。 Bind up the testimony; seal the instruction among my disciples; |
8:17 | 我要等候那掩面不顾雅各家的耶和华,我也要切切仰望祂。 And I will wait on Jehovah, who hides His face from the house of Jacob, and I will look eagerly for Him. |
8:18 | 看哪,我与耶和华所给我的儿女,就是从住在锡安山万军之耶和华来的,在以色列中作为兆头和奇事。 See, I and the children whom Jehovah has given me are for signs and wonders in Israel from Jehovah of hosts, who abides on Mount Zion. |
8:19 | 有人对你们说,当求问那些交鬼的和行巫术的,就是声音啁啾、喃喃细语的;你们便回答说,百姓不当求问自己的神么?岂可为活人求问死人么? When they say to you, Inquire of the necromancers and the familiar spirits, who twitter and mutter; say to them, Should not a people inquire of their God? Should they go to the dead on behalf of the living - |
8:20 | 当以训诲和法度为标准!他们所说的,若不与这话相符,必是因他们没有晨光。 To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because in them there is no dawn. |
8:21 | 他们必经过这地,受艰难,受饥饿;饥饿的时候就焦躁,咒骂自己的君王和自己的神。他们仰脸望天, And they go through it hard-pressed and hungry; and when they are hungry, they rage and curse their king and their God. They turn their faces upward, |
8:22 | 俯视大地,不料,尽是艰难、黑暗、和困苦的幽暗,他们必被赶入漆黑之中。 And they look to the earth, but, there is only distress and darkness, the gloom of anguish and being thrust into darkness. |
以赛亚书-Isaiah 第 8 章 | 上一章 下一章 |