以赛亚书-Isaiah 第 21 章 |
21:1 | 关于海旁旷野的默示:有仇敌从旷野,从可怕之地而来,好像南方的暴风猛然扫过。 The burden concerning the wilderness of the sea: Like storm winds In the Negev passing through, It comes from the wilderness From an awesome land. |
21:2 | 惨酷的异象已经宣示于我;诡诈的行诡诈,毁灭的行毁灭。以拦哪,你要上去;玛代阿,你要围困;主说,我使巴比伦所引起的一切叹息都止住了。 A harsh vision Has been announced to me; The unfaithful one deals unfaithfully, And the destroyer destroys. Go up, Elam; Lay siege, Media; I have put an end To all her groaning. |
21:3 | 所以我满腰疼痛;剧痛将我抓住,好像产妇的剧痛一样;我听了就疼痛弯腰;我看了就惊惶失措。 Therefore my loins Are full of anguish; Pangs have taken hold of me Like the pangs of a woman in labor. I am bent over at the hearing of it;I am terrified at the seeing it |
21:4 | 我心昏乱,惊恐威吓我。我所爱慕的黄昏竟使我战兢。 My heart reels; Shuddering overwhelms me. The twilight that I love Has become a source of trembling to me. |
21:5 | 他们摆设筵席,铺展地毯,又吃又喝!首领阿,你们起来,用油抹盾牌。 Setting the table! Spreading out the rug! Eating! Drinking! Rise, princes; Oil the shields. |
21:6 | 主对我如此说,你去设立守望的,使他将所看见的报告出来。 For thus says The Lord to me, Go, set a watchman; Let him report what he sees. |
21:7 | 他看见骑马的,是一对一对骑马的,又看见骑驴的、骑骆驼的,就留心听,极其留心。 And he saw riders, A team of horsemen; Riders of donkeys, Riders of camels; And he attends with attention, With much attention. |
21:8 | 他像狮子吼叫,说,主阿,我白日不断站在望楼上,整夜立在我守望所。 And he calls out like a lion: On the watchtower, Lord, I stand continually by day; At my guardpost I am stationed Every night. |
21:9 | 看哪,来了骑马的人,是一对一对骑马的。有一位回应说,巴比伦倾倒了,倾倒了!她一切雕制的神像,都打碎于地了。 And now there come Riding men, A team of horsemen. And one answers and says, Fallen, fallen is Babylon! And all the idols of her gods Has he shattered to the earth. |
21:10 | 我被打的禾稼,我禾场的谷阿!我从万军之耶和华以色列的神那里所听见的,都告诉你们了。 My threshed ones, And the son of the threshing floor! What I have heard From Jehovah of hosts, The God of Israel, I have declared to you . I.Jehovah to Have No Judgment on Dumah 21:11-12 |
21:11 | 关于度玛的默示:有人从西珥呼问我,说,守望的阿,夜还有多长?守望的阿,夜还有多长? The burden concerning Dumah: Someone is calling to me from Seir: Guard, what remains of the night? Guard, what remains of the night? |
21:12 | 守望的说,早晨到了,黑夜也会来;你们若要问,就可以问;可以回头再来。 The guard says, Morning is coming, But so also is night; If you will ask, ask; Return, come. |
21:13 | 关于亚拉伯的默示:底但结伴的客旅阿,你们必在亚拉伯的树林中住宿。 The burden against Arabia: In the thicket of Arabia you must spend the night, You nomad clans of the Dedanim. |
21:14 | 提玛地的居民拿水来迎接口渴的,拿饼来迎接逃避的; They bring water To meet the thirsty; The inhabitants of the land of Tema Meet with bread those who flee; |
21:15 | 因为他们逃避了刀剑、出鞘的刀、上弦的弓、以及剧烈的战事。 For they flee from swords-From the drawn sword, From the bent bow, And from the harshness of battle. |
21:16 | 主对我这样说:一年之内,照雇工年数的算法,基达的一切荣耀必归于无有。 For thus has the Lord said to me, Within a year, like a wage worker's year, all the glory of Kedar will end, |
21:17 | 弓箭手的余数,基达人的勇士,必然稀少;因为这是耶和华以色列的神说的。 And the remainder of the number of the archers, the mighty men of the sons of Kedar, will be few; for Jehovah the God of Israel has spoken. |
以赛亚书-Isaiah 第 21 章 | 上一章 下一章 |