以赛亚书-Isaiah 第 29 章 |
29:1 | 祸哉,亚利伊勒,亚利伊勒,大卫安营的城!任凭你年上加年,节期照常循环; Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, The city where David camped! Add year to year; let the feasts run their course. |
29:2 | 我终必使亚利伊勒困难,她必悲伤哀号,对我如同亚利伊勒。 But I will distress Ariel, And she will become mourning and lamentation And will be like an Ariel to me. |
29:3 | 我必四围安营攻击你,用栅栏围困你,立起高垒攻击你。 And I will encamp in a circle against you, And will besiege you with palisades, And will raise up siegeworks against you. |
29:4 | 你必降到低处,从地中说话;你的言语必低微,出于尘埃。你的声音必像那交鬼者的声音出于地,你的言语必呢喃出于尘埃。 And you will be brought down; from the ground you will speak, And your speech will come from low in the dust. And your voice will be like that of a departed spirit from the ground, And your speech will twitter from the dust. |
29:5 | 你仇敌的群众却要像细尘,强暴人的群众也要像飞散的糠秕;这事必顷刻之间忽然临到。 But the multitude of your enemies will be like fine dust, And the multitude of those who terrorize will be like chaff that passes away; And it will happen in an instant, suddenly. |
29:6 | 万军之耶和华必用雷轰、地震、大声、旋风、暴风、并吞灭的火焰,向你讨罪。 From Jehovah of hosts you will be visited, With thunder and earthquake and great noise, With whirlwind and tempest and the flame of consuming fire. |
29:7 | 那时,攻击亚利伊勒列国的群众,就是一切攻击亚利伊勒和她的保障,并使她困难的,必如梦景,如夜间的异象。 And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel, Even all who fight against her and her stronghold and who distress her, Will be like a dream, like a vision in the night. |
29:8 | 就像饥饿的人,梦中吃饭,醒了仍觉腹空;或像口渴的人,梦中喝水,醒了仍觉发昏,心里想喝;攻击锡安山列国的群众,也必如此。 And as when a hungry man dreams and finds himself eating, But he awakens and what he desires is not there; Or as when a thirsty man dreams and finds himself drinking, But he awakens and is indeed faint and what he desires is far from him; So will the multitude of all the nations be That fight against Mount Zion. |
29:9 | 你们等候惊奇罢;你们蒙蔽自己,继续蒙蔽罢。他们醉了,却非因酒;他们东倒西歪,却非因浓酒。 Linger and be astounded, Blind yourselves and be blind. They are drunk, but not with wine; They stagger, but not with liquor. |
29:10 | 因为耶和华将沉睡的灵浇灌你们,封闭你们的眼,就是申言者;蒙盖你们的头,就是先见。 For Jehovah has poured out upon you A spirit of deep sleep And has shut your eyes, the prophets; And your heads, the seers, He has covered. |
29:11 | 所有的异象对你们必如封住之书卷的话;人将这书卷交给识字的,说,请念罢;他必说,我不能念,因为封住了。 And all the vision will be to you like the words of a book that has been sealed, which when they give to him who is literate, saying, Please read this, he will say, I am not able to, for it is sealed. |
29:12 | 又将这书卷交给不识字的人,说,请念罢;他必说,我不识字。 Then the book will be given to him who is illiterate, saying, Please read this, and he will say, I am illiterate. |
29:13 | 主说,因为这百姓用口亲近我,用嘴唇尊敬我,心却远离我;他们敬畏我,不过是领受人的吩咐。 And the Lord said, Because this people draws near with their mouth, And with their lips they honor Me, Yet they remove their heart far from Me, And their fear for Me Is a commandment of men merely learned; |
29:14 | 所以我要向这百姓再行奇妙的事,就是奇妙又奇妙的事;他们智慧人的智慧必然消灭,聪明人的聪明必然隐藏。 Therefore, indeed, I will once again Do something wondrous with this people, something wondrously marvelous; And the wisdom of their wise men will perish, And the understanding of those who understand will be hidden. |
29:15 | 祸哉,那些向耶和华深藏谋略的,他们所行的都在暗中,他们说,谁看见我们呢?谁知道我们呢? Woe to those who hide deeply Their counsel from Jehovah, And whose deeds are in the dark And who say, Who sees us? And, Who knows us? |
29:16 | 你们把事颠倒了!岂可看窑匠如泥么?被制作的物岂可论制作它的说,他没有制作我?或是被塑造的物论塑造它的说,他没有聪明? You turn things upside down! Shall the potter be considered to be like the clay, That what is made should say of him who made it, He did not make me, Or what is formed should say of him who formed it, He has no understanding? |
29:17 | 不是还有一点点时候,利巴嫩就要变为肥田,肥田就要看为树林么? Is it not yet a little while Before Lebanon will be turned into a fruitful field, And the fruitful field will be considered to be a forest. |
29:18 | 到那日,聋子必听见这书上的话,瞎子的眼必从迷蒙黑暗中得以看见, And in that day the deaf will hear the words of the book, And out of gloom and darkness the eyes of the blind will see, |
29:19 | 困苦人必因耶和华增添喜乐,人间穷乏的必因以色列的圣者欢腾。 And the afflicted will increase their joy in Jehovah, And the needy of mankind will exult in the Holy One of Israel. |
29:20 | 因为强暴人已归无有,亵慢人已经灭绝,一切找机会作孽的都已被剪除; For he who terrorizes will cease to be, and the scorner will be consumed, And all who watch for iniquity will be cut off, |
29:21 | 他们使人在言语上犯罪,为城门口责备人的设下网罗,用虚无的事屈枉义人。 Those who make a man sin by his words And ensnare him who judges at the gate And turn aside the righteous with an empty argument. |
29:22 | 所以救赎亚伯拉罕的耶和华,论雅各家如此说,雅各必不再羞愧,面容也不至变为苍白; Therefore thus says Jehovah, who redeemed Abraham, concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob will not now be ashamed, Nor will his face now turn pale; |
29:23 | 但他看见他的子孙,就是我手的工作,在他那里,他们必尊我的名为圣,必尊雅各的圣者为圣,也必敬畏以色列的神。 But when he sees his children, the work of My hands, in his midst, They will sanctify My name And sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, And hold the God of Israel in awe. |
29:24 | 灵里迷糊的必得明白,发怨言的必受训诲。 And those who have erred in spirit will come to understand, And the murmurers will learn teaching. |
以赛亚书-Isaiah 第 29 章 | 上一章 下一章 |