箴言-Proverbs 第 18 章 |
18:1 | 與眾寡合的,尋求自己的心願,並惱恨一切真智慧。 He who separates himself seeks his own desire And rages against all sound wisdom. |
18:2 | 愚昧人不喜愛聰明,隻喜愛顯露自己的心意。 A fool has no delight in understanding, But only that his heart may reveal itself. |
18:3 | 惡人來,藐視也來;羞恥到,辱罵同到。 When the wicked man comes, contempt also comes; And with dishonor comes reproach. |
18:4 | 人口中的言語乃是深水,又是湧流的河水,智慧的泉源。 The words of a man's mouth are deep waters, A gushing stream, a fountain of wisdom. |
18:5 | 瞻徇惡人的情麵,審判時屈枉義人,都為不善。 To respect the person of the wicked man is not good, Nor to turn aside the righteous man in judgment. |
18:6 | 愚昧人的嘴帶來爭端,他的口招惹鞭打。 A fool's lips bring strife, And his mouth invites blows. |
18:7 | 愚昧人的口自取敗壞,他的嘴是他生命的網羅。 A fool's mouth is his ruin, And his lips are the snare of his soul. |
18:8 | 傳閑話之人的言語如同美食,進入人的深處。 The words of a whisperer are like dainty morsels, And they go down into the innermost parts of the body. |
18:9 | 作工懈怠的,與毀壞人的是弟兄。 He also who is slack in his work Is brother to him who is a destroyer. |
18:10 | 耶和華的名是堅固樓;義人奔入,便得安穩。 The name of Jehovah is a strong tower; The righteous man runs into it and is safe. |
18:11 | 富足人的財物是他的堅固城,在他想像中猶如高牆。 The rich man's substance is his strong city And like a high wall in his own imagination. |
18:12 | 敗壞之先,人心高傲;尊榮以前,必有謙卑。 Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, But before honor goes humility. |
18:13 | 不先聽完就回答的,便是他的愚妄和羞辱。 As for him who gives an answer before he hears, It is folly and shame. |
18:14 | 人有疾病,靈能支持;靈若憂傷,誰能承當? The spirit of a man can sustain his sickness, But a broken spirit who can bear? |
18:15 | 聰明人的心得著知識,智慧人的耳尋求知識。 The heart of one who has understanding acquires knowledge, And the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. |
18:16 | 人的禮物為他開路,引他到尊大的人麵前。 A man's gift makes room for him And brings him before great men. |
18:17 | 先訴情由的似乎有理,等他的鄰舍來到,就察明實情。 The first to plead his case seems just, Until his neighbor comes and cross-examines him. |
18:18 | 掣簽能止息爭競,也能在強者之間下決斷。 The lot causes contentions to cease And decides between the mighty. |
18:19 | 弟兄被冒犯,挽回他比取堅固城還難;這樣的爭競如同城堡的門閂。 A brother offended is harder to be gained than a strong city, And contentions are like the bars of a castle. |
18:20 | 人口中所結的果子,必充滿肚腹;他嘴裏所出的,必使他飽足。 With the fruit of his mouth a man's stomach will be satisfied; With the produce of his lips he will be satisfied. |
18:21 | 生死在舌頭的權下,喜愛它的,必吃它所結的果子。 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit. |
18:22 | 得著妻子的,是得著好處,也是蒙了耶和華的恩惠。 Whoever finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from Jehovah. |
18:23 | 貧窮人說哀求的話;富足人厲聲以對。 The poor man utters supplications, But the rich man answers roughly. |
18:24 | 濫交朋友的,自取敗壞;但有一朋友比弟兄更親密。 A man of many friends comes to destruction, But there is a true friend that sticks closer than a brother. |
箴言-Proverbs 第 18 章 | 上一章 下一章 |